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Pollinator Habitat Certification

Permaculture Pathways Pollinator Habitat Certification

Pollinator Habitat Certification

Creating a Pollinator Habitat requires adherence to the three key ethics of permaculture- earth care, people care, and fair share. It is important to avoid using invasive or toxic plants, and to include a stepping stone or pathway. To ensure a healthy and diverse habitat, it is recommended to incorporate three different types of flowers- umbel, tube, and showy. Finally, consider getting certified for $125 and receive a metal sign to display your commitment to nurturing pollinators.

Use 3 ethics of permaculture- earth care, people care, fair share
No invasive plants
No toxic plants
Include one stepping stone or a pathway
Use 3 types of flowers: umbel, tube, showy
$125 Certification with a metal sign

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